dream.cast | DREAMOTA

Show notes

Dreamꙮta – the dreamspace, the dreamscape, the dream.cast

Welcome to Dreamꙮta, a podcast made by dreamers, for dreamers and about dreamers. The word ‘drimota’ stands for ‘slumber’ in Ukrainian. We invite you on a journey through the everchanging slumber landscape, where people of different origins share their memories, motifs and places to create a story about all of us and each of us. A story as deep and as old as the sea of dreams. Here, you can get lost in something too familiar to be a mere coincidence, and find yourself in most unexpected sites. But then, you wake up.

This is Dreamota’s episode 1: the Forest

Dreamers that shared their secret dreams for this episode:

  • Murder of Crows from the southern steppes of Ukraine dreamed about the dark primordial forests of Ukrainian Polissya and werewolves;
  • Alex Berk dreamed about the universal forest where one can meet the Guardian.

Concept creation and sound edition by Alex Berk and Lana Semenova (Kyiv, Ukraine / Berlin, Germany; 2023). This episode is part of the collaborative out.cast podcast.

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