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dream.cast | DREAMOTA 2 | the water

dream.cast | DREAMOTA 2 | the water

21m 54s

Welcome to Dreamꙮta, a podcast made by dreamers, for dreamers and about dreamers.

The word ‘drimota’ stands for ‘slumber’ in Ukrainian. We invite you on a journey through the everchanging slumber landscape, where people of different origins share their memories, motifs and places to create a story about all of us and each of us. A story as deep and as old as the sea of dreams.

This is Dreamꙮta’s episode 2: the Water

Dreamers that shared their secret dreams for this episode:
- Malek took us on a journey in the sea and to the small town of his...

bipoc.cast | Invisible Ukraine 2

bipoc.cast | Invisible Ukraine 2

16m 56s

In this episode Tazir talks to Ukrainian Romani researcher and activist
Janush Panchenko about his path to activism and academia - before war
was brought on Ukraine, and then how the war uprooted his work. Once
again, it's a candid and heartfelt discussion on experiences of racism
in Ukraine and Germany among BIPOC activists in Berlin, and on staying
true to your roots and going your own way.
This out.cast episode was created by Tazir with great support by Lana,
and presented by Tazir in May 2024.

dream.cast | DREAMOTA 1 | the forest

dream.cast | DREAMOTA 1 | the forest

21m 9s

Dreamota – the dreamspace, the dreamscape, the dream.cast

Welcome to Dreamota, a podcast made by dreamers, for dreamers and about dreamers.
The word ‘drimota’ stands for ‘slumber’ in Ukrainian. We invite you on a journey through the everchanging slumber landscape, where people of different origins share their memories, motifs and places to create a story about all of us and each of us. A story as deep and as old as the sea of dreams.
Here, you can get lost in something too familiar to be a mere coincidence, and find yourself in most unexpected sites.
But then, you wake...

kotti.cast | Kotti is a Home

kotti.cast | Kotti is a Home

31m 53s

"Kotti a place of stories“ - the young girl's words are lost amid laughter, children's cries, the rolling of the S-bahn and the flight of pigeons that sound like applause. Stories shaped by the people we meet, by societal upheavals such as Covid, inflation and police reinforcements, but always unfolding within Kottbusser Tor. What does Kotti mean to you? That's the question we put to those who came here unwillingly and never left. Listen to their answers, full of doubt, laughter and hope.

This episode is created by Bino Byansi Byakuleka and Jeanne Möschler, 2023.
Sounds: Music of Resulbarini +...

fear.cast | Couleurs de la peur - Colours of fear

fear.cast | Couleurs de la peur - Colours of fear

20m 6s

fear.cast is an exploration of fear. It delves into the emotion experienced in the author's daily life in Berlin, mapping out various perceptions of fear. Through the metaphor of fear, Malek Khemiri sought to engage in conversations about its impact on different individuals—capturing the essence through images, sounds, and tastes. Far from an academic approach, participants take us on a diverse mosaic journey, blending personal experiences and the fear of the unknown, creating a sonorous tableau beneath the cloak of human nature.

This out.cast episode is created by Malek Khemiri and produced together with Chanoufi, 2023.
Photos by Malek Khemiri.

bipoc.cast | Invisible Ukraine

bipoc.cast | Invisible Ukraine

29m 34s

In this podcast Tazir talks to Islam about his life in Ukraine before the war and his journey to Berlin as refugee, a heartfelt and honest discussion about the systematic racism of the asylum system, mutual aid among BIPOC activists in Berlin and information about the refugees rights movement in Europe .

This out.cast episode is created by Nine and Tazir and presented by Tazir, 2023.