fear.cast | Couleurs de la peur - Colours of fear

Show notes

fear.cast is an exploration of fear. It delves into the emotion experienced in the author's daily life in Berlin, mapping out various perceptions of fear. Through the metaphor of fear, Malek Khemiri sought to engage in conversations about its impact on different individuals—capturing the essence through images, sounds, and tastes. Far from an academic approach, participants take us on a diverse mosaic journey, blending personal experiences and the fear of the unknown, creating a sonorous tableau beneath the cloak of human nature.

This out.cast episode is created by Malek Khemiri and produced together with Chanoufi, 2023. Photos by Malek Khemiri.

**Translation of the Intro **

Fear. The fear of tomorrow. I sail on the wave of fear, The fear that shatters the heart into crumbs. The fear of having crumbs in your pocket, Smoking a cigarette of fear to burn the fear. The fear of the end of the month. The fear of the dark. The fear of the end of words. The fear of war. The fear of an unjust peace. The policeman of fear paralyzes you during your sleep, and you scream without a voice. The fear of death. The fear of nothingness. The fear that emanates from revenge. The fear of love. The fear of injustice. The fear of closed doors. The fear in poisoned sips. It's been two years since I crossed the threshold of fear. We meet, sharing beers or talking a walk together. It's my companion who never leaves me. I wonder if it's well-nourished or not. For an "illegal" person, fear is like the cycle of the moon. My friend has a heart of steel in the shape of a dome. No one can heal him, neither doctor nor prescription nor medication. Like a tapestry weaving slowly, Take a herbal tea and listen to OutKast el Khouf.




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