kotti.cast | Kotti is a Home

Show notes

"Kotti a place of stories“ - the young girl's words are lost amid laughter, children's cries, the rolling of the S-bahn and the flight of pigeons that sound like applause. Stories shaped by the people we meet, by societal upheavals such as Covid, inflation and police reinforcements, but always unfolding within Kottbusser Tor. What does Kotti mean to you? That's the question we put to those who came here unwillingly and never left. Listen to their answers, full of doubt, laughter and hope.

This episode is created by Bino Byansi Byakuleka and Jeanne Möschler, 2023. Sounds: Music of Resulbarini + Be Human, Freestyle vibes, Come together (from Bino Byanski Byakuleka)

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