In autumn 2023, a group of activists and artists have been working intensively on concepts, research, interviews and editing techniques and developed out.cast - a collaborative podcast from Kreuzberg, supported in several workshops by studio lärm at FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum.
out.cast pours from the inside out, spilling sounds and voices of dreams and struggles, of new maps and bodily territories. Inside becomes outside and the outside is always already inside. out.cast manifests political messages, it activates non-hierarchical, multilingual and multi-perspective knowledge in the acoustic spheres of the city.
In five audio pieces we listen to strong, sad and hopeful stories. They tell of dreams of memories of places that were once home, places that no longer exist. We listen to struggles and hopes of bipoc Ukrainian refugees. We follow a mosaic of voices exploring the various shapes of fear experienced in Berlin. Journeys from individual to collective bodies, decolonizing pleasure. We listen to laughter, singing and remembrance at Kottbusser Tor – we listen to Kotti as a home.
out.cast is a podcast series created by Lana Semenova, Alex Berk, Tazir, Nine, Malek Khemiri, Bino Byansi Byakuleka, Jeanne Möschler, Valeria Mujaes & Diana Torres Valencia (LAFI e.V.).
A project by FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum facilitated by studio lärm.